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Conflicts of Interest

Welcome to the Health Consumer Organisation Funding Database. This is a resource that contains financial data from various Pharmaceutical Companies and the various Health Consumer Organisations they have provided funding to.

About the Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry focuses on the creation, development and distribution of medicine and other kinds of medicinal drugs. The emphasis on development means that the pharmaceutical industry is responsible for advancements in medicine. The main difference between pharmaceuticals and health consumer organisations is the focus on ownership. Pharmaceuticals are more corporate organisations with a greater focus on raising profit. Due to this, there is a greater emphasis on transparency of data for ethical reasons. There could be many events where a company can be affected monetarily. This includes situations where health consumer organisations provide or garner financial support from other companies for research.

About Health Consumer Organisations


Health consumer organisations are not-for-profit organisations representing the interests and views of healthcare consumers, their families, and carers. Health consumer organisations range in size and scope from small volunteer groups to large organisations. This results in health consumer organisations generally operating outside of the government, pharmaceutical organisations, and healthcare providers. Since most health consumer organisations are legal entities, they are usually not for profit. However, many of them are still charities that require financial obligations to be met.

Purpose of the database

Our purpose is to create a database that compiles all the vital financial information publicly available to each pharmaceutical company. This promotes transparency of financial data by keeping public information in an accessible database.

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